Friday, June 25, 2010

How come I can never find black lip liner? Do you ever use black ';eye'; liner for your lips?

i don't know if you have a ';Hot Topic'; store in your city... they sell it. i'm sure there should be some other goth/punk rock store that offers products like that.

anyways, black eyeliner should be just fine on your lips.How come I can never find black lip liner? Do you ever use black ';eye'; liner for your lips?
Unless you have very large lips the darker the colour the smaller your lips will look too.

You can do the gothic look without having to make yourself look unattractive.

Try a dark burgundy instead and lighten the middle with a paler colour to make your lips look fuller- black will just make you look like you've eaten something nasty or have an illness.

Keep black for the eyes!How come I can never find black lip liner? Do you ever use black ';eye'; liner for your lips?
You might need to order some from's a BIG trend for them. However my own search on the internet brought up nothing. Your best, and cheapest, bet would be to just stock up on it during Halloween time. I would gather that 6 sticks will last you a year.
there is some in during halloween in the costume makeup section...

FYI it's in the halloween section for a reason... Black lips = gross
I don't like black lipliner BUT....I have friends that use eyeliners then a little lipgloss %26amp; it looks nive..never seen any1 do it with black but....try it
That's a sign for how tacky it is. Unless its Halloween you shouldn't wear black lip liner.
  • chi hair
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